Work Philosophy

Andrea Hinojosa

Photography reminds me that everyone has a unique perspective and thus that's
what defines the way they look at life itself. For some it might be how they appreciate
beauty in unexpected corners or in everyday life, for others how they can find and
twist different angles to make people see and wonder at. I believe that, amidst 
all kinds of photographs, all of them have the capacity to make you feel. 
Even if it's for the sake of documenting  or promoting something,
they have a purpose in arousing your emotions, but there
are those who can even help you find hidden
meanings and messages that are 
beyond this physical world. 
My personal goal is to seek and 
acquire certain knowledge 
so I can not only transport people to faraway
 places, but to realms that lie deep in oneself. To awake 
sleeping memories and keep emotions alive. A remainder of how 
life really is a lens and one has the capacity to control and decide not only 
what to see, but how to really look at it. Though, not as something that's part
 of the world, rather a piece that makes up who you are; a reflection of your feelings,
desires, fears, resentments, memories and hopes. When one is conscious of what they 
are looking at, they can choose to stop, change or keep on watching that part of themselves.    
 What you decide to look 
at is, in the end, 

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